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Just to announce a little update in the factfile of aircraft MSN 293B-1242, registered YK-DLC with Privilege Jet Airlines.
Thanks to Holger Ludwig for the information about the current status of this ex-TAP L-1011.

CS-TMR is also back

After a long wait and storage period at Amsterdam, Luzair's L-1011-500 with registration CS-TMR flew again and landed at Lisbon last 20th of July.

CS-TMR taxiing in front of Hangar 6 after landing at LIS 

Soon, this aircraft will be ferried to California for a C-check. the return!

As some of you might have noticed, was put offline last Summer. Lack of motivation and spare time were the main reasons. Also, I was not willing to spend again such a large amount that I was paying for a hosting of 500MB with unlimited traffic. After some reflection I decided to end the story of this site which started in December 1999. However, some friends of mine were startled with such a decision and tried to help me bringing back So, a special thanks must be given to Jorge Diogo and Paulo Correia (AirSim) and to Miguel Blaufuks (simFlight) for providing a new and free hosting to the site.

But motivation was still lacking. And I didn't want to keep the same layout of the site because it was difficult to update. It was only in February of this year that I started working on a new layout and structure of the site. Also a decision was made about changing the site's language from Portuguese to English.

After a long "C-check", is now back with a very, very simple design and a light structure. Just like I wanted it to be. Off-topic sections from the old site were definitely removed and this site is now only about the L-1011 TriStar.

In this associated blog I will post news about TriStars, site's updates and new photos. So, if you are curious about TriStars, keep an eye on it.

Please feel free to post any comments in this blog. It's always nice to hear from you. If you want to contact me via email, please refer to the Webmaster page.