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Royal Flypast

One of the RAF's TriStars was seen performing in the flypast during the celebrations of the Queen's official birthday.

TriStar and VC-10 © UK Crown
Thirty seconds later the RAF’s longest serving aircraft, 216 & 101 Squadrons’ Tristar & VC-10, passed over Buckingham palace. These venerable aircraft are another foundation on which the RAF’s Strategic Global Air Mobility capability depends. Both aircraft will though in due course be replaced by Voyager, which followed seconds behind the older aircraft.
  • Read the complete article about the flypast: Here

L-1011 @ Sheremetyevo

This is a very rare photo of TAAG's L-1011 at Sheremtyevo Airport, in Moscow. This aircraft was leased from TAP in the early 90s and kept its original registration CS-TEC.

CS-TEC at SVO © Por Dentro

In those days, this was a very demanding operation in Russia and Flight Crews were composed by TAP pilots and flight engineers.