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N91011 is ready to fly

N91011 © TriStar History and Preservation, Inc

According to TriStar History and Preservation, Inc, N91011 (ex-CS-TMR) is now ready for its ferry flight to Kansas City where it will be preserved in TWA colors.
The L1011 (N91011) now effectively ready to fly resides at its restoration site Pacific Aerospace in Victorville, California.  We’ll ferry it to Kansas City as the next steps for painting and parking are finalized.
It has been a long marathon to bring the aircraft back to an airworthy status so let's hope everything goes fine for the flight to its final resting place.

TriStar Inc's related newsletter can be read here.

TWA's TriStars and Court Line footage

We would also like to suggest a very interesting video on Youtube about Court Line's L-1011 and some of its special features:

Also, Jon Proctor's full article about TWA's TriStars is now available for reading on its own website.

TWA L-1011 © Jon Proctor