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16 April 2008

CS-TMX the end has come

Last 10th of April CS-TMX msn 1206 was scrapped for good! After being cannibalized of all its reusable parts, the cutting machines left this once great machine in thousands of pieces.

The last owner of the aircraft was euroAtlantic airways and some of the parts were saved to keep their L-1011 CS-TEB flying.

The last flight of CS-TMX was done in June of 2006 and since then it was stored at LIS airport.

Photos of scrapping sent by Manuel Morais:


Anonymous said...

É triste ver este avião assim ainda por cima o 1º avião que tive o prazer enorme de voar.
Para mim ficara sempre para a historia, com mais de 1000 horas feitas nele até me vem as lágrimas aos olhos só de ver ele a ser desmantelado.

Anonymous said...

E a mim que tive o privilegio de ter voado nele varias vezes para cancun, tive tb oprivilegio de comemorar o meu 20º aniversario a bordo dele, a caminho daquelas que foram as melhores férias da minha vida! Ficam para sempre as excelentes memorias que tenho dele e tudo de bom o que nele me proporcionou, Para Sempre CS-TMX!Com aquela Lagrima no olho ;)

Grande braço André malhão!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how they handled the Hazardous Depleted Uranium in the control surfaces. Is Portugal in the EU?

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