by Site

18 April 2009

Famous people aboard the TriStar

This is a rather old photo of Eusébio (ex-Benfica football player) and Amália Rodrigues ('Fado' singer) aboard a TAP L-1011 TriStar, which you can confirm by the particular design of the overhead lockers. You can also see the old blue bulkhead decoration. I really miss those times :)

1 comment:

Eduardo P. Strobel said...

Realmente o Tristar é um belíssimo avião.Nunca cheguei a conhecer nenhum pois aqui no Brasil nenhuma empresa nacional o operou.Esse avião atrai minha simpatia,espero que as unidades restantes sejam conservadas e mantidas em operação.Parabéns pelo blog.Eduardo,Maceió/AL/Brasil.

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